Re: Sanity check on the SSN Ontology

Protege reports the language required for the sensor ontology (with  
DUL) as SRIQ(D).

For the sensor ontology alone (i.e. no DUL), I don't think we use the  
qualified number restrictions or the datatypes, so it's a simpler  
logic; however, you would want to use those things in any example  
using the ontology.  Nominals are also pretty useful.  So most things  
that use the ontology would end up using SROIQ(D) - the WM30 example I  
did for the wiki does.


On 08/11/2010, at 11:34 , Alexandre Passant wrote:

> On 8 Nov 2010, at 07:43, Michael Compton wrote:
>> Nice work.  Good to see that we can (almost) pass these various  
>> validation tools.
>> I think we should we add links in the report (say in the intro or  
>> conclusion of either the whole report or the ontology section) for  
>> these
> Good idea. And since the first one is Linked-Data oriented, that's  
> also a good way to outreach the ontology to the LOD community.
>> and indicate how the ontology passes through pellet lint.
> As a matter of interest, what's its OWL sub-language / dialect ?
> Alex.
>> Michael
>> On 08/11/2010, at 9:11 , Alexandre Passant wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've made a few sanity tests to check the current SSN ontology
>>> * Compliance with the LOD principles, using Vapour [1]
>>> Some tests fail here.
>>> - 1st request while dereferencing resource URI without specifying  
>>> the desired content type (HTTP response code should be 303  
>>> (redirect)):Failed
>>> => AFAIK, purl allows to specify a 303 rather than a 302 when  
>>> redirecting, so that should be easy to fix
>>> - 2nd request while dereferencing resource URI without specifying  
>>> the desired content type (Content type should be 'application/rdf 
>>> +xml'):Failed
>>> => That can be fixed on the /2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/images/3/36/  
>>> folder with a .htaccess file, containing
>>> AddType application/rdf+xml .xml
>>> * Semantic / syntactic validation, using Sindice inspector [2]
>>> 100% OK
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> Alex.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> --
>>> Dr. Alexandre Passant
>>> Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>>> National University of Ireland, Galway
>>> :me owl:sameAs <> .
> --
> Dr. Alexandre Passant
> Digital Enterprise Research Institute
> National University of Ireland, Galway
> :me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Monday, 8 November 2010 23:52:13 UTC