Re: [MMSEM-UC] Questions on the tagging use case

Hello all

Thomas, thanks for your reply, i fully agree with your comments. Hope you
have a productive f2f, unfortunately i will not be able to join you.

Best regards

> Dear Jeff,
> see my comments below ...
> George, do you agree?
> Jeff Z. Pan wrote:
>> Dear George, Thomas and Susanne,
>> Here are two quick questions on the tagging use case:
>> 1) This is a very exciting use case. Am I right in saying that  the
>> interoperability here is among different tagging systems, rather than
>> that of existing multimedia standards? Or there are some implicit
>> relations between the two?
> Yes, I agree. Tagging is used for the organization and retrieval of
> multimedia
> data, ranging from video, image, to text (e.g. youtube-like portals,
> flickr, and blog sites).
> Right now, there does not even exist any standard that specifies how to
> model taggings
> leading me to the second question.
>> 2) I am not an expert of SKOS and could not quite see how SKOS can help.
>> Could you give an example or clarify this point?
> SKOS can be used to add semantics to the concepts that tags might
> represent by providing
> semantic links to other concepts. In general, SKOS can be used to
> represent tags so that
> taggings maintained on different platforms can be shared based on such a
> common conceptual model.
>> Best regards,
>> Jeff

Received on Sunday, 3 December 2006 14:31:25 UTC