Re: Some prioritization

Thanks Olli.  I had planned to create and send out the survey  
yesterday, but W3C servers were unreachable when I tried to work on it  
(something to do with winter storms in the area).  I'll be sending out  
a survey today for everyone to complete.

-- dan

On Jan 13, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Olli Pettay wrote:

> Hi all,
> I may not be able to attend conference call today (if we have such).
> But anyway, I started to prioritize requirements the way I think about
> them. Or more so, I picked up lower priority requirements and  
> categorized them to 3 groups.
> I don't know how we're going to prioritize requirements, but I guess  
> it
> doesn't harm to send this kind of email so that you know what kind of
> specification proposal I'm expected to see later this year.
> -------------
> A bit lower priority:
> FPR46. Web apps should be able to specify which voice is used for TTS.
> FPR57. Web applications must be able to request recognition based on  
> previously sent audio.
> -------------
> Low priority:
> FPR28. Speech recognition implementations should be allowed to fire  
> implementation specific events.
> FPR31. User agents and speech services may agree to use alternate  
> protocols for communication.
> FPR48. Web application author must be able to specify a domain  
> specific statistical language model.
> FPR56. Web applications must be able to request NL interpretation  
> based only on text input (no audio sent).
> -------------
> Something perhaps for V2 specification
> These requirements can be important, but to get at least something  
> done
> soon we could perhaps leave these out from v1 specification.
> Note, v2 specification could be developed simultaneously with v1.
> FPR7. Web apps should be able to request speech service different  
> from default.
> ...and because of that also the following requirements
> FPR11. If the web apps specify speech services, it should be  
> possible to specify parameters.
> FPR12. Speech services that can be specified by web apps must  
> include network speech services.
> FPR27. Speech recognition implementations should be allowed to add  
> implementation specific information to speech recognition results.
> FPR30. Web applications must be allowed at least one form of  
> communication with a particular speech service that is supported in  
> all UAs
> FPR33. There should be at least one mandatory-to-support codec that  
> isn't encumbered with IP issues and has sufficient fidelity & low  
> bandwidth requirements.
> FPR55. Web application must be able to encrypt communications to  
> remote speech service.
> FPR58. Web application and speech services must have a means of  
> binding session information to communications.
> -Olli

Received on Thursday, 13 January 2011 16:01:31 UTC