Minutes 17 Feb 2011

Minutes are available at http://www.w3.org/2011/02/17-htmlspeech-minutes.html 
.  Sorry for the delay in sending these out -- I thought I had sent  
them last week.

The minutes lack the list of attendees:  Michael_Bodell, Dan_Burnett,  
Olli_Pettay, Robert_Brown, Dan_Druta, Bjorn_Bringert, Debbie_Dahl

A text version of the minutes follows for your convenience:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

               HTML Speech Incubator Group Teleconference

17 Feb 2011


       [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Feb/0014.html

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2011/02/17-htmlspeech-irc





      * [4]Topics
          1. [5](virtual) face-to-face meeting
          2. [6]proposal status
      * [7]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 17 February 2011

    <burn> Agenda:

       [9] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Feb/0014.html

(virtual) face-to-face meeting

    <burn> bjorn: have teleconf facilities in all major offices

    burn: we discussed having virtual face-to-face meetings

    <burn> bjorn: not fancy, but good enough for meetings

    bringert: Google has video conference rooms in London, New York,
    Mountain View, Kirkland etc

    DanD: AT&T has telepresence but not in Europe

    Robert: microsoft has telepresence in Reading, Redmond and probably
    New York

    burn: should schedule now to book travel
    ... IETF in last week of March, week beginning March 28

    mbodell: unavailable in 14-18 march

    bringert: our videoconference stuff is not ideal, but it beats 20
    hours on a plane
    ... will we have something to talk about?

    burn: how are proposals coming along
    ... week of march 21 looks like best candidate
    ... reserve that week now
    ... 1-2 full days of talks
    ... long phone calls don't work
    ... need good quality: low latency + large screens to see faces

    Robert: MS has a VC unit, can test with bringert

    action Robert and Bjorn to test MS / Google VC setup

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-2 - And Bjorn to test MS / Google VC setup
    [on Robert Brown - due 2011-02-24].

proposal status

    bringert: Google will update existing proposal with facilities to
    start recognition from scripts

    Robert: will submit proposals by Feb 28, with three layers
    ... doing rounds internally with IE, Bing etc

    smaug_: Mozilla will submit an early draft, probably close to Google

    Robert: ours won't be fully complete either

    burn: I started because I have speech background, no plans to
    propose HTML tags etc.
    ... but discussion has moved towards JavaScript
    ... Voxeo has a multilanguage API called Tropos?
    ... I will send it in to show a different way to structure things,
    but it's not created specifically for this group
    ... we are already using it today
    ... two people joined the group recently
    ... not on the call today
    ... one person from Intel
    ... and then Jerry Carter has also joined the list
    ... so we might see a few other proposals
    ... would be good for each proposal submitter to list whether
    proposal supports each requirement
    ... just to make it clear which proposals cover which requirements

    bringert: Milan is not on the call
    ... do we know Nuance's plans

    burn: a month ago Milan said he did not have time

    bringert: Milan has been mostly focused on more general audio
    streaming APIs, RTC web

    DanD: I'm trying to come up with a general architecture
    ... more use case driven than a technology proposal
    ... the primary goal is to take proprietary protocols and expose
    them in a standard way to the web

    bringert: real-time web audio doesn't need a proposal in our group

    burn: agreed, but we might have requirements for that

    bringert: update: some version of Google's proposed API is now live
    in a released version of Chrome

    burn: Tropo is already used, but if we come up with a different API
    that is useful, we would support that as well
    ... info about VC facilities to be sent to list by Tuesday

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2011 19:03:40 UTC