[EMOXG] Minutes of f2f Cannes session 1

Dear All,

here are the minutes of the first session of the F2F meeting in Cannes.

W3C Emotion Incubator Group F2F meeting Cannes, 24 Oct 2008

Session 1:
Topic: global metadata

Present: Marc Schröder, Björn Schuller, Alan Giboin (observer), Myriam Lamolle, Felix Burkhardt, Enrico Zovato

Felix describes the two proposed solutions for representing metadata:
1) individual value-attribute pairs with a set of attributes predefined through the set attribute

     <meta set="mySet" name=attr1 value=value1 ....>

2) a separate element with arbitrary elements

       .....custom metadata....

The second approach is preferred by participants in the discussion.

Felix: if this element has to be "open" and flexible,  it should be also used for local metadata annotation.

Marc reminds that the main element (<emotion>) should annotate just one emotion and should contain, for example,  just one <category> element or <dimensions> element.

Björn: why don't we use instead a sort of <time> element as main element?

Marc: It is pragmatically too complicated, particularly in the treatment of overlapping events.

Marc: There's the need to define a central place where the sets should be defined, for example a good solution could be at the level of the root element <emotionml>. The "set" attributes should be defined in a central place, and users should be allowed to do it, but it should be given the possibility to put some definitions locally in a controlled way, for annotation purposes.

Marc: Central definitions have to deal with the integration with other ML (e.g. SSML). Here is an example with namespaces definitions where the emotionML is embedded in SSML:

<emotionml xmlns:mycat=" ....URI...." ...>
       category name="mycat:funny"

<speak xmlns:em="..." xmlns:mycat=" ..." >
      <s> sentence </s>
      <em:categoryname=" mycat:funny">

This topic is however linked with namespaces and qualified names (session 3) and will be discussed in detail later.

Marc: how do we call the element for meta data in the emotion ML? Shall we use an existing element from other languages?

Other languages provide elements that contain metadata. Some options are:

 <meta> in HTML
 <info> in EMMA
 <meta> in SMIL
 <meta> and <metadata>  in SSML

Marc: the languages HTML, SMIL and SSML use <meta> as an empty tag, with different meanings. So it is better non to call in the same way the emotionML element for metadata.

There are suggestions on using the name "metadata" for the element that will be used to annotate metadata. There's agreement on this proposal.

Marc: <metadata> should be placed directly below the <emotionml> (root element or "Core0" ) or directly below the <emotion> element (Core 1) and nowhere else. Just 0 or 1 occurrences are allowed (optional element).

In synthesis: the element for global metadata is <metadata> and can contain arbitrary data (one option could be RDF data).

############################### end of minutes

Received on Sunday, 26 October 2008 21:51:01 UTC