Re: [EMOXG] Deliverable report published as first draft: Emotion Markup Language: Requirements with Priorities

Dear Ian,

> b. Core 9 Action Tendencies - On looking at this more it seems like a
> "must" candidate. For a system where there is input and output (not
> annotation per se) then that output is very likely to be in the form of
> action tendencies and so this would be a fundamental component I think?

I agree with you in principles. However it seems to me also that most of
the implementations of emotion model do not deal yet with action tendency.
for example, I am not aware of ECA systems that model action tendency in
the terms of Frijda.
if this item is very premature in research development, shall we include
Action Tendencies in the core element? Isn't a bit to premature? What do
you say?


> Regards,
> Ian
> --
> Ian Wilson
> Emotion AI
> Company registered in England #6546400

Received on Sunday, 4 May 2008 22:58:06 UTC