Re: XForms and host languages


> if XForms processor must support both of these situations

The answer is no: it must not support both situations. An XForms processor
can be specific to a single host language. For example, a JavaScript
implementation running in a Web browser will support HTML/XHTML as the host
language, and probably nothing else. In this case, there is no requirement
that this implementation should support the `<xf:form>` element, as it was
introduced specifically for cases where you don't have a host language.

> I would like to design form based on xform technology only once and use
it independent to host platform.

The idea of XForms with HTML/XHTML as host language, for example, is that
you will mix HTML/XHTML elements with elements in the XForms namespace.
Typically, the `<xf:model>` elements go under `<xh:head>`, form controls
under `<xh:body>`, etc. In this case, I am not sure how you would reuse the
form, as it is typically mixed with the host language, and not really
separate from it. Do you have something specific in mind?


On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 3:19 AM <> wrote:

> Hello,
> XForms are designed to use within a host language. In Chapter 3.2 xforms
> 2.0 specs is described FORM element, it should be used in situations where
> no host language is available.  Question is if XForms processor must
> support both of these situations ? I mean independent to platform where
> processor exists (xhtml, ios native processor, android native processor). I
> would like to design form based on xform technology only once and use it
> independent to host platform.
> Rgds,
> Ivan Turcan

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2019 05:49:45 UTC