ACTION-360: Mez's editorial nits; petnames in identity signal?


I've merged your nits from ACITON-360 (thanks a million for dropping
them into the action itself!).


- I'll take care of the edits against section 5 together with
  ACTION-364, and put a note about that into that action.

- You suggest that the history content for the additional context
  information be scoped to a particular user agent. That strikes me
  as a substantive open question which in fact concerns anything
  that we recommend with respect to "user agent state".  I'm happy
  to open a separate issue for this -- or you can, as it's from your
- You suggest adding the petname to the MUST list in the additional
  security context information section.  I first thought that we had
  that in the identity signal section anyway, but noticed that we
  I don't recall whether that was an explicit decision, part of the
  strawman decisions that I made, or an editorial oversight, so I
  haven't made the change.  I'd like to hear from others on this.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2008 14:04:35 UTC