Re: SA-WSDL Mapping Providers

Hi Tammo,

the schema mapping annotations point directly to the mappings. The
annotation doesn't give any information about the type of the mapping
language, but in general, resolving the URI will give you enough
information through metadata or the file itself. 

Schema mapping annotations are lists of URIs of alternative mappings; 
I guess if there are multiple, the processor can try the first, if it
doesn't understand it, try the second etc. As an optimization, a
processor can have working mappings pre-cached, so it may recognize a
known URI among the alternatives and use that right away.

For actual lifting and lowering implementations, you can check out a
draft description of how to use XSLT for lifting and lowering RDF data
at [1]. It contains a few examples and it provides an XSLT library
called RDFXSLT (for now) which helps with creating the lowering - it
provides a shield against the RDF/XML idiosyncrasies.


The document may be linked from the SAWSDL WG page soon.

Can you please write me about how you use SAWSDL? I'd very much
appreciate that. 8-)

Hope it helps,

On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 15:13 +0200, Tammo van Lessen wrote:
> Hi all,
> While thinking about how to implement a generic lifting and lowering 
> service using SA-WSDL description, I'm wondering how a mapping processor 
> can find out which mapping language is used in the document referenced 
> by the {lifting|lowering}SchemeMapping attribute? Or are these URIs just 
> virtual descriptors for a {mapping-language, mapping-document} tuple 
> that is stored somewhere else?
> And another question: Are there already implementations or plans to 
> implement such a L&L component?
> Best regards,
>    Tammo

Received on Friday, 4 May 2007 19:23:32 UTC