Re: SA-WSDL Mapping Providers

Hi Jacek,

thanks for you explanation!

Jacek Kopecky wrote:
> the schema mapping annotations point directly to the mappings. The
> annotation doesn't give any information about the type of the mapping
> language, but in general, resolving the URI will give you enough
> information through metadata or the file itself. 
What do you mean by "resolving the URI"? Would that mean that I need to 
register all existing mapping URIs and map them to a tuple 
(mapping_language, mapping_definition) in my SA-WSDL processor (i.e. a 
local mapping registry)?

I personally would prefer to define this tuple directly in the SA-WSDL 
liftingSchema attribute, since file type guessing is not as beautiful as 
direct identification, isn't it? ;)

What do you think about adding a separate attribute for identifying the 
mapping language or to merge both information into one URI?

> Can you please write me about how you use SAWSDL? I'd very much
> appreciate that. 8-)
I'm involved in FP6's SUPER. We're working on BPEL4SWS which enhances 
BPEL with support for SWS. Since we need to preserve backward 
compatibility, BPEL4SWS must understand data in both representations, 
XML and WSML - therefore, process model interfaces are going to be 
described using SA-WSDL with mapping hints so that the SA-WSDL 
interpreter is able to transform data on demand between both 


Tammo van Lessen
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems |Tel. (+49)711 7816 487
University of Stuttgart                          |Fax. (+49)711 7816 472
Universitaetsstr. 38, 70569 Stuttgart            |Room 1.132

Received on Monday, 7 May 2007 13:19:15 UTC