Comment from Ajith Ranabahu

Hi all, 
this is a comment from Ajith Ranabahu, will become Last Call issue 13.
The use case here is that one might want to import a third-party XML
Schema and annotate it using a private ontology, therefore Ajith asks
for external annotations.
Best regards,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Fwd: SAWSDL Spec is now frozen for F2F]
Date: 	Wed, 8 Nov 2006 10:39:54 -0500
From: 	Ajith Ranabahu <>
To: 	Amit Sheth <>
CC: 	DOUGLAS CARL BREWER <>, Karthik Gomadam 
<>, Kunal Verma <>
References: 	<>

One concern I have is that the schema annotations such as simpletype
and complextype annotations, may limit the usability of certian
schemas. I think I've mentioned this to Dr Sheth once but for the
benifit of others here is an explanation. This is not a *problem* per
se but it seems that to me that if the spec suggests something, more
like a recommended approach on this, it would be better.

The usual practice in the industry is to include/import schemas into
the WSDL documents rather than including them inline. An orgnization
may use  a variety of schemas that are reused in many webservices with
different semantics. This gets complicated further if standard schemas
are included (Say from W3C) which can be used for many different
purposes with different semantics. One can always find a workaround ,
the easiest being copying the schema and annotating the copy , but
that would mean a considerable effort for  porting existing services
(I guess the thinking behind the SAWSDL approach is to minimize the
effort to port existing applications)
If we can come up with an alternative approach that allows the
specification of model references without actually putting the
modereference inside the schema type (the original approach will be
also valid but we suggest an alternate approach also that allows
'external annotations' that can be used to deal with imports and
includes easily)
One way I can thing of this is to have schema level modelreference
entries that has both the Qname and the reference.


On 11/8/06, Amit Sheth <> wrote:
> Doug, Ajith:
> If you have comments I would love to hear them.
> Amit

Received on Sunday, 12 November 2006 21:01:40 UTC