Summary and draft minutes of f2f meeting 2006/06/20-21

Hi all, 
here is a summary of the face-to-face meeting we held last week in

1. main concepts clarified:
  - allowed multiple schema mappings (both lowering and lifting) 
  - schema mapping described on XML Schema global element declarations 
    and type definitions
  - element schema mapping overrides any schema mapping on the type
  - multiple schema mapping are alternatives
  - multiple model references all apply
  - we do not specify any relationship between model references and 
    schema mappings
  - interface categorization to be done with model reference, possibly 
    with an ontology for pointing to taxonomies

2. preliminary decision to attempt to publish first public working draft
   of the specification by end of June
  - examples document will be published later

3. next face-to-face meeting scheduled and confirmed for 
   August 29 and 30, Turin, Italy, hosted by Telecom Italia

Thanks again to the host, DERI Galway, for superb organization.

You can see the full draft minutes at [1], to be approved in a week.


Please feel free to suggest improvements if you feel 
the minutes are not accurate or correct.

Jacek Kopecký

Digital Enterprise Research Institute
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Phone: +43 512 5076481

Received on Monday, 26 June 2006 17:03:01 UTC