Ferris wsp 5/1/2007: 'Will Not be Applied'


    "...Instead, we could simply state that the behavior implied by an
    assertion that is absent from a given alternative is not to be
    applied in the context of the attached policy subject when that
    alternative is engaged...."

>>Monica: Can you perhaps explain how this is different that the text we have now to alleviate the confusion that exists?

   1. The text is descriptive text rather than RFC language.
   2. Does it seem more accurate to say that the policy assertions that
      exist in a given alternative are applied in the context of the
      attached policy subject when that alternative is engaged?
   3. What effect does this have on a domain's capability to restrict or
      not restrict that this statement (or provide semantics around it)?
      Related to 2.

I am posing questions rather than pushback or position.

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 23:49:44 UTC