WSDL 1.1 element identifiers extensions, not defined

Hi all,

Chris asked for an extension in wsdl 1.1, and Asir suggested using the
SOAP binding.  At this point, I don't believe there is a WSDL 1.1 or
WSDL 2.0 identifier for HTTP, SOAP or MIME bindings.  That's because
their Xpointer schemes are not defined.  

I've asked the WSDL 2.0 group about this, whether I'm missing something
or not.  Assuming I'm right, that leaves us a few choices:
1. Do nothing, that is do not support identifers for the HTTP, SOAP or
MIME bindings.
2. Create identifers for a subset of the elements defined.  One fairly
reasonable set seems to be the SOAP bindings.   This is fairly
straightforward to do.  Call this option #2 (soap only)
3. Create identifers for all the elements defined.  

I can live with either #1 or #2 (soap only) but I think that the http
and mime bindings in wsdl 1.1 are almost never used and so is well
outside an 80/20 point.


Received on Friday, 24 November 2006 22:16:08 UTC