RE: Round 1 testing w/lax+strict

To be super clear, the Round 1 test cases are WS-Policy unit test cases. These are not interop test cases. Implementers may wrap these tests as JUnit/NUnit/VSTS implementations, Web service endpoints, command line executables, user interface code, etc.

The Round 1 section in the scenarios document uses a simple Web service endpoint wrapper to illustrate Round 1 testing. Implementers may use another variation of the simple Web service endpoint wrapper. The scenarios document does not prescribe a specific Web service for Round 1 testing.

>Can I suggest that we add a soap header

Sure, this is a possibility. You can also use a different SOAP Action URI to indicate the lax intersection mode.

If you would like to update the illustrative example in Appendix C, I request you to sketch out the following and open a formal issue [1] against the TestSuite:

a)  Concrete changes to Appendix C

b)  Concrete changes to the WSDL in Appendix D



Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

From: [] On Behalf Of Doug Davis
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 6:29 AM
Subject: Round 1 testing w/lax+strict

Looking at:
the round 1 tests don't show how the lax/strict flag is supposed to be sent on the wire.  How should the receiver of the policy (the server)  know whether to do lax or strict intersection?  Can I suggest that we add a soap header to message indicating it:
        <x:mode xmlns:x="">lax|strict</x>
or something like this?

STSM  |  Web Services Architect  |  IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905  |  IBM T/L 444-6905  |

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2007 02:21:02 UTC