RE: When does {safety} appear?

Thanks for your comment.  The WS Description Working Group tracked this
issue as a CR050 [1].


The WG confirmed your understanding - that the safety property will be
present whenever the processor that supports the extension is used.  The
interchange test results have been updated accordingly.


Unless you let us know otherwise by the end of October, we will assume you
agree with the resolution of this issue.




Jonathan Marsh -  <> -



From: [] On
Behalf Of Jonathan Marsh
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: When does {safety} appear?


The wsdlx:safe extension is optional "extension MAY be used", but adds the
"REQUIRED" {safety} property.  The property has a default value of "false".


>From this I assume that an implementation that supports the extension will
always have the safety property present, regardless of whether wsdlx:safe
appears in the WSDL.


I ask because the Woden interchange results don't seem to add the property
unless the attribute appears in the WSDL -- which is entirely reasonable,
and what I also prefer.  Namely, the absence of the property should clearly
be equivalent to the value "false".


I think the simple fix is to make the property OPTIONAL and remove the
defaulting to "false".  Then, if the attribute doesn't appear, the property
will be absent.




 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][   <>
][   <>  ]


Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 17:00:29 UTC