RE: Partial executability/ determinism of a Chor description lang uage

I agree with the requirement that the behavior of the a choreography can be
dependent of the content of a message. However, I think the best way to do
this is with an abstract choreography definition (in a CDL) and a binding to
the concrete. The following is based on the ideas for a CDL I put out in an
earlier email [1].
Here's the Choreography definition ...
<Interaction Name="SendOrderResponse">
  <Description>Send the order response to the buyer</Description>
  <PreCondition Condition="OrderChecked"/>
<Process Name="CheckOrderResponse" Role="Buyer">
  <Description>The buyer checks the order response</Description>
  <PreCondition Condition="OrderResponseReceived"/>
  <ProcessEndState State="OrderAccepted"/>
  <ProcessEndState State="OrderRejected"/>
  <ProcessEndState State="OrderResponseError"/>

<Interaction Name="SendMessage3">
  <Description>Send Message 3 as Order accepted</Description>
  <PreCondition Condition="OrderAccepted"/>
<Interaction Name="SendMessage4">
  <Description>Send Message 4 as Order rejected</Description>
  <PreCondition Condition="OrderRejected"/>

In the example above:
1. An Interaction is the sending of a message from one role to another which
results in state changes at each role, e.g. sending an OrderResponse results
in the From role's state becoming OrderResponseSent, and once received the
To role's state becoming OrderResponseReceived
2. A Process is an activity that occurs in one role (e.g.
CheckOrderResponse) which can result in one or more output states (e.g.
OrderAccepted, OrderRejected or OrderResponseError)
3. Any Interaction or Process is conditional on the existence of some
combination of states, for example the CheckOrderResponse process is
conditional on the OrderResponseReceived state.
Note that this whole definition is abstract as it does not identify either
the message format or how you determine, for example any of the states. To
do this you need a separate document to do the "binding". This would look
something like the following ...
  <MessageFamilyBinding name="OrderResponse">
  <StateBinding name="OrderRejected">
  <StateBinding name="OrderAccepted">
In this binding:
1. The content of MessageFamilyBinding binds the generic OrderResponse to a
specific OrderResponse schema definition
2. The individual states, e.g "OrderRejected" are bound to an Xpath
expression that evaluates to true/false that examines a part of a document
(Note, my Xpath expresssion is probably slightly off!)

This way, you can both a) keep the choreography "abstract" and b) have a
concrete binding that can be used in a real implementation. Also note that:
1. You can have multiple different bindings for the same choreography
definition therefore enabling choreography reuse
2. You could also indirectly bind a MessageFamily to a WSDL message
reference inside an operation definition and therefore bind a service to a
I also think that the whole area of how you go about doing bindings would be
fruitful one to explore further.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fletcher, Tony []
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 2:41 AM
Subject: Partial executability/ determinism of a Chor description language

Dear Colleagues,
I would like to clarify in my own mind and continue a discussion o the
degree to which a Choreography description language (CDL) is deterministic
or 'executable'.  I think this issue links to previous threads on the use of
information from messages, or not.
I think we all agree that a CDL will only give a very partial description of
the behaviour of any 'entity' playing a particular role (and that you do
need a full programming language such as Java or C#  for any sort of
'complete' description.
However, consider the following:
Role A sends message 1 to role B
Role B replies with message 2 to role A
At this point there may now be say three different messages that A could
next send to B according to the CDL instance and given no other information.
Now suppose that message 1 was an order message and message 2 an order
response with a critical information field that says 'accept' or 'reject'.
The CDL could now say that role A can examine the incoming message 2 extract
the semantic accept or reject and if reject then send message 3 else send
message 4 or message 5 (means of determining which is not shown in this CDL
instance, but would be in the CPL for that role).
Without being dependent on the precise syntax of messages, only some of the
semantic elements, I think that some people in this group would like the
above behaviour to be supported by the WS-Chor language and thus support for
this behaviour to be a requirement.
Others seem to be arguing for no dependence on message content at all -
perhaps just the name of the message received(?).  Can we reach an amicable
Best Regards     Tony
A M Fletcher
Cohesions 1.0 (TM)
Business transaction management software for application coordination
Choreology Ltd., 13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX     UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 76701787   Fax: +44 (0) 20 7670 1785  Mobile: +44 (0) 7801
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Received on Thursday, 22 May 2003 17:45:31 UTC