[online plugfest] minutes - 28 May 2019

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                            Online PlugFest

28 May 2019


          Kaz_Ashimura, Benjamin_Klotz, Michael_Lagally,
          Takahisa_Suzuki, Taki_Kamiya, Kunihiko_Toumura,
          Takeshi_Yamada, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Toru_Kawaguchi,





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]PRs
         2. [4]Demo scenarios
     * [5]Summary of Action Items
     * [6]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribenick: kaz


   Lagally: there are a few PRs

   [7]PR 776

      [7] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/776

   Lagally: Southampton demo added
   ... merged

   [8]PR 769

      [8] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/769

   Lagally: and then TUM
   ... information added
   ... some modification
   ... also improvements for home integration scenario, industry
   integration scenario
   ... problems detected by sensors
   ... for safe states
   ... would go for merging this
   ... also the slides as well
   ... checking the conflicts
   ... with TUM and Intel
   ... remove the conflict by removing the overlapped lines
   ... some more overlaps
   ... happy with the new text for "Description"
   ... and merges the text
   ... no conflicts now
   ... and merged PR 769

Demo scenarios

   Lagally: now we have the latest version for the online plugfest


      [9] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/workshop/ws2/demos-2019-Munich/README.md

   Lagally: reminds people of the location and how to get there

   Kaz: note that we need to go to TUM for weekend (June 1-2)
   ... and go to Siemens for OpenDay (June 3)

   Lagally: and if you come on Friday, need to go to TUM


     [10] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/workshop/ws2/demos-2019-Munich/README.md#Locations

   Lagally: there are poster files here

   [11]Poster area

     [11] https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/master/workshop/ws2/demos-2019-Munich/Poster

   Lagally: if you have not provided your poster design yet,
   please bring it yourself to the workshop
   ... When will you come?

   Matsukura: Sunday

   Lagally: Siemens will be available on Friday (May 31)
   ... but nobody else has expressed their participation
   ... it looks like there will be very limited setting for
   ... the most will be happening on Sunday
   ... most people will arrive on Sunday
   ... so it might make sense to cancel Friday and/or Saturday
   ... let's discuss it tomorrow again
   ... any significant changes on the scenarios?
   ... Oracle is in the middle of the setting
   ... today, we can talk about people's settings
   ... already added information about Oracle Cloud to the
   ... please let me know if you want to get connected

   Kaz: maybe we can ask people whom they want to connect with

   Lagally: how to do that?

   Kaz: maybe we can add "participants" to each scenario section

   Lagally: ok
   ... let's do that
   ... starting with the "Home integration scenarios"
   ... Fujitsu?

   Matsukura: ok

   Lagally: Panasonic?

   Toru: ok

   Lagally: clean the room and/or turn on air conditioner?

   Toru: both are ok

   Lagally: no response from Siemens yet, so would remove it (at
   the moment)

   Johannes: we'll have a charger on the booth
   ... you can see the power consumption status
   ... scenario with Siemens
   ... AC system included
   ... monitoring of electric power

   Kaz: as part of the "home integration scenario"?

   Johannes: Siemens will bring a power adapter
   ... have not talked about which scenario to belong

   Lagally: in that case, let's simply add that as a separate

   Johannes: reduce load charge power to stay under the peak power
   you get from the Grid
   ... monitoring EcoG Charger, indicating power consumption,
   start charging
   ... simulated building management system
   ... AC condition is monitored, charge power is reduced

   Lagally: what would be the title for that scenario?

   Johannes: energy management for commercial buildings

   Lagally: please review the description and add improvement if

   Johannes: also including air conditioner
   ... simulated building management system by Siemens

   (meanwhile Matsukura-san also updated the README.md)

   Lagally: (remove the conflicts)
   ... adds a note
   ... adding energy management for commercial buildings scenario
   ... anything else for the README.md?


   Lagally: then would like to go through the table
   ... Oracle IoT Cloud Service is already available
   ... converter is also running
   ... some error pointed out by Ege
   ... a couple of things are also already working

   Lagally: Hitachi?

   Toumura: will make a node red app
   ... have no devices myself
   ... so would like to make some scenario for my node red app
   ... so far have tested with Oracle simulator and Panasonic
   ... would like to get connected with other devices

   Lagally: Fujitsu?

   Matsukura: proxy and devices
   ... two gateways
   ... one in smartphone in Japan
   ... another I'll bring it to Munich
   ... also on cloud
   ... local devices: sensors, etc.
   ... also connected devices in Japan
   ... already connected
   ... our local proxy can get connected with Oracle and Panasonic
   ... people also can use that local proxy

   Lagally: bringing the environment sensor to Munich?

   Matsukura: maybe 4 sensors

   Lagally: people were using some of the devices simultaneously
   ... wondering how to about simultaneous usage
   ... not only problem with Fujitsu
   ... but common problem

   Kaz: theoretically, it would be nice to have a traffic manager
   who has some queuing mechanism

   Lagally: next, Panasonic?

   Yamada: bulletin board and some devices
   ... will create a PR later

   Lagally: tx

   Johannes: generally TD works for our one
   ... real software on the charger

   Kaz: Benjamin?

   Benjamin: connected car
   ... physical car for the openday
   ... for the weekend, not fully sure
   ... if we can park the car close to the venue within TUM

   Lagally: let's check the others tomorrow
   ... Google hangout is up and running
   ... there is already a stream of Panasonic office in Osaka
   ... if you want to share your video stream, you can do so
   ... good thing to share videos
   ... do we need to talk about anything else?


   Lagally: AOB?


   Lagally: ok
   ... let's go back to our work then :)


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [12]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([13]CVS log)
    $Date: 2019/05/28 17:11:53 $

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Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 17:14:42 UTC