Re: Call for WoT Implementations

Hi all,

can you add Dark Horse to the list:

This is an open source project with a community of volunteers

Platform, Language
JavaScript, NodeJS, HTML5

The MIT License (MIT)

The Dark Horse server hosts Dark Horse things and the Dark Horse UI.
Dark Horse can be used for home automation or in any other Web of Things
environment. Hosting a thing means you can access it RESTful over HTTP
with a self described Linked Data API using Hydra.

I also implemented a C++ Hydra library [1][2] for embedded devices
tested on the ESP8266.

I have seen Hydra was mentioned in some older posts and wiki pages. Now
it looks like this group will create a new hypermedia API spec with the
Thing Description [3]. I was looking for mail or wiki page that contains
the arguments for that decision, but I haven't found anything. Is there
something written? Can you give me a link?



Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2016 21:51:05 UTC