RE: Migrating attachments

Hi Alan,

Just one last comment before I shut down for the night (I'm in

I could certainly use "." instead of "/" but don't see any real reason
for it. MediaWiki doesn't necessarily assume that "/" means a sub-page.
In the main pages it just assumes "/" is part of the name. Consider, for
example, a page on the CC/PP specification. :)

Anyway, when the time comes, I'll try to make as much of the script
configurable as I can, including separators for generated attachment


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan Ruttenberg
Sent: 19 October 2007 20:01
To: Rotan Hanrahan
Subject: Re: Migrating attachments

Can you prepend the new name with the path of the old file (change  
"/" to ".") ?
Would like it if html uploads were allowed as well, btw.


On Oct 19, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Rotan Hanrahan wrote:

> Next problem...
> In moinmoin, attachments are associated with the page to which they  
> were attached. In MediaWiki, the attachments belong to a flat  
> space. This means that moinmoin attachments that have the same  
> filename will cause clashes in MediaWiki space. Images and general  
> media have their own "image:" and "media:" spaces in MediaWiki, but  
> both are flat. To preserve the association with the parent page on  
> moinmoin, the names of the attachments will have to change  
> accordingly.
> Furthermore, uploading attachments to MediaWiki is not  
> straightforward, as it seems that MediaWiki doesn't have a general  
> attachment mechanism. If MediaWiki doesn't recognise the file  
> extension then you can't upload it. For example, to configure  
> MediaWiki to permit the upload of PDF "images", you add the  
> following configuration:
> $wgFileExtensions[] = 'pdf';
> One of the most common attachment types is Zip compressed files.  
> These need to be handled specially, with the following  
> configuration (assuming the server is on a un*x system):
> $wgMimeDetectorCommand = 'file -bi';
> This is far from perfect because one has to anticipate the file  
> extensions, or decide not to port certain file types. I find this a  
> little disappointing, but hope that someone out there has a better  
> idea.
> ---Rotan

Received on Friday, 19 October 2007 19:59:43 UTC