[whatwg] Canvas' 2D context + WebGL = 3D context(make for a simple more high level API

Is it not possible to transfer all canvas' 2D feature into WebGL appearance to make a 3D context? Everything the same except that when setting the getCentext, you pass 3D instead of 2D. This will make for a more friendly yet familiar tool to use. Utilizing WebGL with set features as 2D getContext. I believe this proposal is worth looking at and giving thought to; all one would have to do is define the API of 2D context in WebGL to have a easy 3D context, ensnare if I it's limited, or won't showcase the full capability that is WebGL, it'll allow those to take a step toward WebGL by introducing it in a familiar API. 

var ctx = canvas.getContext("2D");
Var ctx = canvas.getContext("3D");

By predefining all the feature of 2D context into WebGL to render them in 3D context. By doing so, giving a friendly to use, familiar API to work with, instead of learning a library.(some of us believe in non library programming). Please take interest, or at least thought of mind of this ideal... Seeing that the canvas feature are few, I can't see how hard this would be for an evangelist to complete in an hour or so.


Received on Monday, 9 June 2014 16:07:27 UTC