Re: [whatwg] Meta "bugreport" proposal

On 01/11/2012 07:30, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu wrote:
> I am not sure a new scheme is a good idea. For embedding data in a URL,
> you might consider something like
>    data:text/plain,http?uri=/bug.dat&method=POST&captcha=/captcha.jpg
> but I am not an expert on this to say whether this is a good idea.
It seems better. I added this to issues on GitHub.
> I am not familiar Chrome extension API and what
> chrome.extension.sendRequest does, but if it does send an email when
> @href is a mailto: URL, you might want to either:
> 1. Discuss with whoever creates the entry for rel=webmaster in [1] to
> see if either rel=webmaster can be dropped or rel=bugreport can be
> merged into it.
> 2. Extract mailto: URL from rel=webmaster too and treat it as if it is
> rel=bugreport.
Unfortunately, the mailto protocol doesn't accept more than 1048 
characters. It's not enought to cover console messages and the 
screenshot provided as a dataUri. It could be done by creating an 
internet resource and then providing a link via the mailto protocol, but 
i'm not able to host that content myself.

In the other hand it could be a good way for browser vendors to have 
tracability on bug reports done with their browser in order to know the 
main issues encountered by their users. I know opera currently have 
quality programs to retrieve bugs and contact webmasters manually.

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 17:39:41 UTC