[whatwg] Bluetooth

On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 15:50:07 +0100, Diogo Resende  
<dresende at thinkdigital.pt> wrote:
> This is exactly my point (and probably Don). I was not thinking about
> common i/o devices. I was thinking about a way to somehow connect to an
> uncommon device. Maybe something like websockets, maybe devsockets :P


> I can see 3 important steps to do this:
> - have a way expose diferent devices (so the app can search/list)
> - have permission to access a specific device (yes/no/remember)
>   (the browser should do the bluetooth pairing stuff)

These two should be done via <device> I think. Giving blatant access to  
external devices from web pages would be quite the security risk.

> - talk to the device with some kind of stream/socket
> Does anyone think this could be a good idea?

I certainly think it's cool. :-)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 06:56:30 UTC