First step of this BG

Hi all,

On behalf of the co-chair of the workshop in Japan,
I'd like to express our gratitude.
Thank you for coming to Japan
and giving your insights, opinions, suggestions.
Now Kaz (co-chair of the workshop) is documenting
the summary of the workshop.
Before the summary will be published,
I'd like to tell you what we should do in this BG.

First of all, I'll make a document which introduces some scenarios
based on the outcome of the workshop.
The scenarios will be narrative.
It's important that other groups in W3C and other bodies understand
our needs and requirements easily.
Although we shared many use cases at the workshop, 
I'd like to focus hottest topics at first.
I know that some of you want to cover all topics, 
but if we address all topics at a time,
it will be difficult to produce a real result in a certain period.

I am planning to take place a face-to-face meeting at the next TPAC in France. 
Before that, I'd like to achieve a certain level of result in the BG,
then discuss the details at the face-to-face meeting.
Ideally, we will make some documents as group notes.
* scenarios and use cases.
* gap analysis (which specs are available, which use cases require new spec)
It's possible to put all together in one document.
At the TPAC, I'd like to appeal our efforts and demands to other groups in W3C.

Anyway, please wait for a draft of scenarios for a while. 
Maybe I'll show it in a week.
After that, let's start discussions!

Best Regards,

Newphoria Corporation
Chief Technology Officer
Futomi Hatano

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2012 07:52:36 UTC