from October 2016 by subject

[minutes] WebRTC F2F 22-23 Sep 2016

[webrtc-pc] Align getAlgorithm return value with Web Crypto

[webrtc-pc] Clarify the processing of expires setting in generateCertificate

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: createOffer/Answer: collect changes to media cofig in queued steps

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: Gathering state cleanup

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: Rewrite the createOffer algorithm to eliminate race conditions.

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent constructor init dict

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: transceiver.stop() effect on transceiver.receiver.track "onended" event

[webrtc-pc] Closed Pull Request: Tweak wording on insertDTMF referring to argument

[webrtc-pc] Deprecate RTCSessionDescription constructor or throw error on missing sdp

[webrtc-pc] Further generateCertificate changes required

[webrtc-pc] How do I get transceiver from sender?

[webrtc-pc] How to properly manage TrackEvent or privide the current AddStreamEvent?

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Clarify when removeTrack should throw an exception.

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Fix JSEP reference about generating a mid if not provided by remote peer

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: fix typos in warmup example

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Gathering state cleanup

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: getConfiguration should include all of RTCConfiguration

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: How an RTCRtpSender should treat an ended (or muted) track

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Make candidate member of RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent dictionary nullable

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Make channel member of RTCDataChannelEventInit required

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: No RID modification via addTrack()

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Pass peer identity to IdP

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Tweak wording on insertDTMF referring to argument

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Units of interToneGap

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: Various small editorial changes.

[webrtc-pc] Merged Pull Request: What setConfiguration changes

[webrtc-pc] Need steps for rollbacks removing a transceiver.

[webrtc-pc] Not clear how data channel errors are reported, with ErrorEvent interface.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add Error Handling - NOT READY TO REVIEW YET

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Adding steps in "setting a description" for rolling back transceivers.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Clarify when removeTrack should throw an exception.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Cleanup the definition of expires, use IDL

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Delete Issue 2 from spec

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix JSEP reference about generating a mid if not provided by remote peer

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix RTCDTMFSender attribute types in prose to match WebIDL.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: fix typos in warmup example

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Gathering state cleanup

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: getConfiguration should include all of RTCConfiguration

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: insertDTMF normalization

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Make candidate member of RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent dictionary nullable

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Make channel member of RTCDataChannelEventInit required

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: No RID modification via addTrack()

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Pass peer identity to IdP

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Remove duration and interToneGap attributes

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Rewrite createAnswer algorithm to eliminate race conditions.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Rewrite the createOffer algorithm to eliminate race conditions (restructured).

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Rewrite the createOffer algorithm to eliminate race conditions.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: setIdentityProvider links

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Specify how to handle invalid data channel IDs, or lack of IDs.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: The RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent constructor should have an optional init dict

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Tidy

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: transceiver.stop() effect on transceiver.receiver.track "onended" event

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Tweak wording on insertDTMF referring to argument

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Unclear when a DTMFToneChangeEvent is fired with an empty string

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Units of interToneGap

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: What setConfiguration changes

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Zero cert

[webrtc-pc] respec error: unrecognized anchor

[webrtc-pc] respec errors: linkless element

[webrtc-pc] rid in addTrack()

[webrtc-pc] RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit's candidate member should be nullable

[webrtc-pc] RTCTrackEventInit: streams required?

[webrtc-pc] Section 4.3.1: Issue 1

[webrtc-pc] Section 5.1.1: Issue 2

[webrtc-pc] Section 6.2: Issue 3

[webrtc-pc] Should empty (not omitted) username or credential throw in the RTCPeerConnection constructor?

[webrtc-pc] Specify an AllowUnverifiedMedia RTCConfiguration property

[webrtc-pc] The RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent constructor should have an optional init dict

[webrtc-pc] update reference for ip handling

[webrtc-pc] What happens when transceiver.stop() is called?

[webrtc-stats] Consider exposing RTT estimate on RTCRTPStreamStats

[webrtc-stats] Describe the reason for "sum & count" rather than "average"

[webrtc-stats] Merged Pull Request: Added text about which specification is authoritative.

[webrtc-stats] Merged Pull Request: Example conformance specification

[webrtc-stats] Merged Pull Request: Introduced the term "RTP stream", with definition.

[webrtc-stats] Need definition for RTCTransportStats.activeConnection

[webrtc-stats] Not clear if RTCTransportStats combines RTP+RTCP or not.

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Added QP statistics

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Added text about which specification is authoritative.

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Clarify that pliCount is only valid for video.

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Design considerations section

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Fixing the summary of RTCTransportStats (issue #72).

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Introduced the term "RTP stream", with definition.

[webrtc-stats] There is no ICE "cancelled" state

[webrtc-stats] Unpaired candidates need to be marked as local or remote

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Can the ICE gathering state go from completed to gathering without an ICE restart?

Closed: [webrtc-pc] getConfiguration doesn't include all of RTCConfiguration

Closed: [webrtc-pc] How do I get transceiver from sender?

Closed: [webrtc-pc] insertDTMF input validation steps are still out of order a bit

Closed: [webrtc-pc] JSEP/WebRTC mismatch on empty remote MID

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Need IDP Logon Needed Error

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Not clear how data channel errors are reported, with ErrorEvent interface.

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Remove support for changing SDP

Closed: [webrtc-pc] rid in addTrack()

Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit's candidate member should be nullable

Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCTrackEventInit: streams required?

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Support assertions that identify the recipient

Closed: [webrtc-pc] The RTCDataChannelEventInit channel member needs to be required

Closed: [webrtc-pc] The RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent constructor should have an optional init dict

Closed: [webrtc-pc] transceiver.stop() effect on transceiver.receiver.track.onended EventHandler

Closed: [webrtc-pc] update reference for ip handling

Closed: [webrtc-pc] What are the units of interToneGap?

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Consider exposing RTT estimate on RTCRTPStreamStats

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Mandatory to Implement information needs to be available

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Need to define "RTP stream" in terminology section

Closed: [webrtc-stats] RTCCertificateStats doesn't have a RTCStatsType value

Closed: [webrtc-stats] RTCInboundRTPStreamStats, RTCInboundRTPStreamStats & RTCRTPStreamStats defined in both -stats -and -pc

Closed: [webrtc-stats] RTCStatsType out of sync with webrtc-pc

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Unpaired candidates need to be marked as local or remote

Date and time for November 2016 WebRTC Virtual Interim

REMINDER! Re: Scheduling WebRTC Virtual Interim: please respond to Doodle

Review of current WebRTC PC spec

Reviving createObjectURL

Scheduling WebRTC Virtual Interim: please respond to Doodle

Seeking opinions on github info to list

setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit) rather than setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescription)

Summary of decisions made during TPAC WebRTC sessions

video track "black" vs. "frozen frame"

WICG Proposal: A frame-level event logging API for media

Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2016 19:41:37 UTC