Re: PR for adding RtpSender.transport, RtpReceiver.transport, RTCDtlsTransport, RTCIceTransport, etc

On Jun 19, 2015, at 5:52 PM, Peter Thatcher <> wrote:
> 2.  What states should we have in DtlsTransport.state?  I have new/connecting/connected/closed/failed, which closely matches both the ICE state and the ORTC DtlsTransportState.  However, the ORTC state does not have "failed", whereas the ICE state does.  So, I included "failed" even though it's missing in ORTC (or rather, closed the purpose of failed as well).

[BA] Is there a difference between "failed" and "closed" in terms of the state diagram? (E.g. Is it possible to transition to another state from "failed" but not from "closed"?)

Received on Saturday, 20 June 2015 00:28:58 UTC