Re: Panic between createOffer() and setLocalDescription()

On 20 Feb 2014, at 09:44, wrote:

>> I'm not sure that's a compelling reason to separate the two, but it's a
>> possible reason, even in the absence of SDP modification.
> I'm not saying to remove setLocalDescription(), I'm only saying that
> for most use cases is redundant to call to
> createOffer()/createAnswer() and inmediately to setLocalDescription(),
> so I'll change the spec to do the call implicitly and if some changes
> are required, let the user to do the call explicitly, overwritting
> this way the content of the local description with its custom one.
> This will make easier to new comers what's the call flow:
> createOffer() -> send()
> onmessage -> setRemoteDescription()
> createAnswer() -> send()
> onmessage -> setRemoteDescription()
> Honestly, if you need to call to setLocalDescription() with a modified
> SDP, you are not in "WebRTC 101" anymore... Why complicate it?

Except that WebRTC 101 - the example apprtc app does munge the SDP before calling

function setLocalAndSendMessage(sessionDescription) {
  sessionDescription.sdp = maybePreferAudioReceiveCodec(sessionDescription.sdp);
       onSetSessionDescriptionSuccess, onSetSessionDescriptionError);

So even in the simplest cases you end up needing to intercept.


Received on Thursday, 20 February 2014 17:08:39 UTC