Re: Panic between createOffer() and setLocalDescription()

> I'm not sure that's a compelling reason to separate the two, but it's a
> possible reason, even in the absence of SDP modification.
I'm not saying to remove setLocalDescription(), I'm only saying that
for most use cases is redundant to call to
createOffer()/createAnswer() and inmediately to setLocalDescription(),
so I'll change the spec to do the call implicitly and if some changes
are required, let the user to do the call explicitly, overwritting
this way the content of the local description with its custom one.
This will make easier to new comers what's the call flow:

createOffer() -> send()
onmessage -> setRemoteDescription()
createAnswer() -> send()
onmessage -> setRemoteDescription()

Honestly, if you need to call to setLocalDescription() with a modified
SDP, you are not in "WebRTC 101" anymore... Why complicate it?

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
- Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Thursday, 20 February 2014 09:44:55 UTC