Re: Restrict local UDP ports in browser "advanded settings"

On 10/14/2013 06:34 AM, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have public IP in my computer which runs some UDP daemons (i.e. a
> SIP server). I don't want to expose such a SIP server to all the world
> so I set iptables to block incoming UDP traffic (unless it is in
> response to UDP traffic send from my computer to the exact origin of
> the incoming one).
> The problem is that with WebRTC I must be able to listen in any local
> UDP port, and thus I cannot set iptables.

WebRTC initialization should always begin with an ICE packet coming from 
your computer.
Doesn't it work to set "related" for UDP? shows 
some description (and says that the default timeout is 180 seconds, 
which should be enough for WebRTC's choice of keepalives).

> So, should the browser include in "advanced settings" some kind of
> "rtp-port-min" and "rtp-port-max"? IHMO assuming "always NAT" is not
> good.
> Thanks a lot.

Received on Monday, 14 October 2013 06:23:26 UTC