Re: Improve error message when browser denies access to getUserMedia()

I think this will end up having privacy implications. For example, there was a bunch of discussion about the JS not being able to know if the user had selected a file or camera. 

Why would the JS need to know  the difference between these two ?

On Jul 9, 2013, at 11:16 AM, cowwoc <> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a follow-up discussion to
> The WebRTC specification needs to provide a better error message in case the browser denies access to the camera, instead of the user. Currently, the specification states that 
>         the result of the user denying access. Instead of simply
>         modifying the definition of 
>         to cover both cases, I propose splitting it into separate cases:
> Alternatively,
>         we need to add a String error message alongside the enum, and
>         require browsers to issue a different error message for each
>         case.
> Thank
>         you,
> Gili

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 03:31:45 UTC