Re: [webrtc-extensions] Can we rename setSelectedCandidatePair to selectCandidatePair ? (#178)

`setSelectedCandidatePair` was proposed as a natural counterpart to [`RTCIceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair`](

I don't think a setter attribute is a good fit here because:
1. `setSelectedCandidatePair` does not immediately mutate the internal slot returned by `getSelectedCandidatePair`, that only happens asynchronously.
2. `setSelectedCandidatePair` performs a complex operation (ICE agent actions), something that the [Web Platform Design Principles]( recommends against attributes from performing.

Thinking also about @henbos's suggestion in, perhaps an overall improvement, which also makes the verb more suitable, would be to change the method signature to 

Promise<undefined> setSelectedCandidatePair(RTCIceCandidatePair candidatePair);

Then the sequence of operations on `setSelectedCandidatePair` is:
- Perform input & state validation
- Return a promise
- In parallel, instruct the ICE agent to change the selected candidate pair
- Upon completion, update the `SelectedCandidatePair` internal slot
- Fire the `selectedcandidatepairchange` event
- Resolve the promise

Then the application knows when the setter completes and the getter is consistent with the result. `get/setParameters` in `RTCRtpSender` have a similar structure.

The spec changes should be minimal. What do you think?

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