Agenda, August 11


- Preparation for interim week of Aug 23 (Bernard)

- Tidying the specs?

- The usual


Pull requests
#379 JS should see devicechange events during active gum call (r ()

I thought it was not needed. This week I'm not sure. But pretty sure it
does no harm.

#381 Add pre-grant deviceId alternative (Rebased). ()


#268 Iframe sandboxing options for gUM (stefhak)

No signs of convergence from the "other debates" on what standard
practice will be.

#350 New permission definitions are wrong. (alvestrand)

A PR is open on the permission specs. Jan-Ivar and I still disagree, I

#359 MUST clear requirement for deviceId (aboba)

PR #381 should clear this.

#360 Specify relation between return from getConstraints and con (burnburn)
#366 WebIDL requires constraints on getUserMedia to be optional (burnburn)
#371 Privacy issue with media capture and fingerprinting room ac ()

Discussion seems to have died down. A paragraph in security
considerations? Volunteers?

#380 Remove redundant list-devices permission. ()

I disagree with Jan-Ivar, at least.

Pull requests
#624 Upscale allowed (fluffy)

No update.

#695 Meaning of "Liveness checks have failed" (adam-be)

Next VI (holdover from previous VI)

#716 Improve error handling for IdP proxy interactions (stefhak)


#719 The IdP environment can be spoofed (stefhak)


#721 Specify the synchronous and queued steps for addIceCandidat (aboba)

Merge conflicts. Content is good.

#733 Clarification on RTX in Codec Capabilities/Parameters ()


#734 RTCRtpEncodingParameters attribute to turn on/off sending C ()

Looks like what the WG agreed on. Merge?

#737 Fix mistakes in examples. ()


#738 Getting the fingerprint of an RTCCertificate ()

Next VI (let's make sure it's consistent with fingerprint-in-stats).


#253 Assurance that requests to IdP proxy originate from the use

Closed by PR #719?

#295 Guidance for extending objects vs extending Stats needed (alvestrand)
#296 Debugging ICE problems needs more info (aboba)
#305 Describe what happens when media changes (fluffy)

#337 Interfacing between WebRTC spec and JSEP (burnburn)

This is the master bug for that topic. Status?

#526 NetworkError event is not defined and might not be needed (adam-be)
#548 RTX/RED/FEC handling (aboba)
#551 Errors when identifying a m-line in addIceCandidate() (adam-be)
#554 We never fire the 'connectionstatechange' event (adam-be)
#555 Sort out requirements around IdpLoginError (martinthomson)
#561 Normatively cite webrtc-stats for sections 8.x (alvestrand)
#562 What to do with an RTCIdentityProvider that returns rubbish
#566 Separate sender and receiver sets are unnecessary when we h (burnburn)
#578 Need to specify precisely when MID generation happens (adam-be)
#579 Congruenting about "The negotiation-needed flag is cleared  (adam-be)
#600 Operations queue: What is run synchronously before the oper (adam-be)
#644 Fob on RTCRtpEncodingParameters to turn on and off sending  (aboba)
#645 public negotiation-needed flag as readonly (adam-be)
#654 Need JSEP reference for general RTCPeerConnection descripti (burnburn)
#655 Update JSEP reference to 5.8 (burnburn)
#658 Link addIceCandidate to JSEP for applying ICE candidate (burnburn)
#661 Add informative table of all things that can cause negotiat (burnburn)
#671 Processing remote MediaStreamTracks without MediaStreams in
#678 Support assertions that identify the recipient (martinthomson)
#685 Update JSEP reference for receipt of multiple RTP encodings (aboba)
#687 Clarify reasoning behind and mitigation of privacy issues ( (stefhak)
#688 Indicators of usage and data flow (PING review) (stefhak)
#690 Information available prior to permission prompt (PING revi (stefhak)
#692 Meaning of "Liveness checks have failed" for `disconnected` (adam-be)
#698 JSEP/WebRTC mismatch on empty remote MID (adam-be)
#700 An event for when a Circuit Breaker is triggered (stefhak)
#705 Missing sender identifier attribute (msid) (stefhak)
#709 offerToReceiveAudio/offerToReceiveVideo remain in implement (adam-be)
#714 STUN/TURN OAuth token auth parameter handover (aboba)
#720 getting the fingerprint of a RTCCertificate? (aboba)
#723 Need JSEP reference for end-of-candidates indication (burnburn)
#726 Add a ufrag attribute to the RTCIceCandidate structure to i (aboba)
#727 removeTrack: throw exception if sender is not in connection (adam-be)
#729 RTCStats timestamp source ambiguous (alvestrand)

Discussion seems to be converging around "local time of reception,
remote timestamp in extra attribute".

#732 replaceTrack with the previous one as ended (adam-be)
#735 Automatically open data channel when connections are establ ()

I closed it.

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2016 12:16:28 UTC