Agenda for 27 May 2014 Telcon?

Hello all,

I know the Americans on the list are just getting back from a long weekend,
so maybe haven't got themselves quite back on schedule.

If people are going to be on the teleconference (in half an hour,
1pmEDT/10amPDT), here are a couple items that could be talked about.  If
not, I'll send out more detailed emails to get the discussion rolling in
this forum:

1) Creating an events calendar that will auto-update as events come near.
 I think we can do this within semantic mediawiki, or other ideas could be

2) Organizing the massive content review (to assign readiness markers): how
to divide the 4000+ articles between people, and what other clean-up tasks
should be added to the to-do list?

Telcon Info:
 Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200
 Conference code: 3627 ("DOCS")
 IRC Channel: #webplatform

Anyone can call in free of charge by using a SIP client [1]. The meeting
minutes will be made public.



Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2014 16:37:26 UTC