Re: Bloated CSS Syntax Section And Unescaped HTML Examples

On 27/08/14 PhistucK wrote:
> /Does anyone know why 
> // a 
> bloated syntax section, filled with unrelated stuff?/
> /!important: declaration/
> /-ms-flex-pack: center/
> /-ms-flex-pack: end/
> /-ms-flex-pack: justify/
> /-ms-flex-pack: start/
> /And much more./
> /Also, the example shows the output of the HTML instead of the code. I 
> guess this is related to the MediaWiki upgrade./

Hi, all

This might be related: on the main page about JS, section "Index of all 
JavaScript topics" [1], there's a very long list of links to other pages 
-- many pages about topics completely unrelated to JS. Is that something 


Antonio Olmo Titos ยท web developer, W3C
+81 335162504

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2014 10:29:47 UTC