Meeting Notes, Webplatform weekly mtg

[Discussion of the site]
[09:02] == eliot [836bae5d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #webplatform-site
[09:03] * jswisher is present
[09:06] <eliot> Scribe: Eliot
[09:06] <julee> Roll call
[09:06] <julee> Review of open action items
[09:06] <julee> Task forces reporting back to this general meeting:
[09:06] <julee> Community
[09:06] <julee> Analytics
[09:06] <julee> Program Management
[09:06] <julee> Anyone want to share any status on any project? Can we get completion dates?
[09:06] <julee> Review proposed URL/structure of DOM API docs.
[09:06] <julee> Has anyone seen the Evil Session Bug lately?
[09:07] <julee> When you tweet, don't forget to check conversation for follow-up!
[09:07] <julee> Anything blocking you from creating great content?
[09:07] <julee> Any new or notable content to promote?
[09:07] * julee present
[09:07] <patrickdsouza> present
[09:07] <eliot> julee: eliot present
[09:07] <shepazu> present
[09:07] <leaverou> present
[09:07] * shepazu thinks eliot was very meta
[09:07] <julee> ACTION ITEMS:
[09:07] <julee> shepazu will call in Richard Ishida, W3C's internationalization and localization expert
[09:07] <julee> shepazu to set that up a dedicated discussion on translation URLs
[09:07] <julee> Julee to write a draft email outlining the process to use for CSS properties review as instructions for SMEs. (DONE
[09:07] <julee> shepazu to follow up with Lea regarding global nav (
[09:07] <julee> shepazu to send out timeline for W3C GSoC.
[09:07] <julee> Julee to talk to ryan about this (DONE: Only GNOME project might apply. Pursuing as part of community & recruiting agenda.)
[09:07] <julee> Eliot & shepazu to talk re: presenting at W3C WGs.
[09:07] <julee> shepazu to work with PPK/Verio/Alexis Deveria on
[09:07] <julee> shepazu to complete this weekend closing down forums (, )
[09:07] <julee> DONE: shepazu will call in Richard Ishida, W3C's internationalization and localization expert
[09:08] <julee> DONE: Julee to write a draft email outlining the process to use for CSS properties review as instructions for SMEs. (DONE
[09:08] <eliot> Shepazu: spoke to Richard, but still more to go
[09:09] <eliot> julee: Doug and Chris Mills commented. Maybe have design experts join in, but unclear if they were to be SME to review content or the design of the pages.
[09:09] <eliot> ...we did a couple of rounds on the template.
[09:09] <eliot> ....We did another round in January, so I don't think we need to review the design further. Does anyone else?
[09:09] <eliot> Shepazu: Lea's been good about finding optimizations and fixing problems.
[09:10] <julee> +1
[09:10] <eliot> ...Joanie Risalkin(?) who helped design said we could contact her. She'd be an obvious choice.
[09:10] <eliot> jswisher: I think the idea was to get feedback on the content.
[09:10] <shepazu> s/Joanie Risalkin/Joni Rustalkin/
[09:11] <eliot> julee: OK, let's not revisit the design.
[09:11] <eliot> ...Anyone want to volunteer some names?
[09:11] <eliot> shepazu: Chris Croyer?
[09:11] <eliot> leaverou: I can approach him.
[09:11] <leaverou> s/Croyer/Coyier/
[09:12] <eliot> julee: Let's start there and bring others in later
[09:12] <julee> DONE: shepazu to follow up with Lea regarding global nav (
[09:12] <eliot> julee: Global nav item
[09:13] <eliot> leaverou: Done, but there's one place it didn't update. Will follow up with Denis.
[09:13] <eliot> jiulee: Also
[09:13] <eliot> leaverou: I updated the nav and put in an action item for someone to change the content. Not assigned to anyone, though.
[09:14] <eliot> julee: Please assign it to someone to reword it.
[09:14] <eliot> shepazu: I can do that since I am working on shutting down the forums.
[09:14] <eliot> julee: Would be great to remove the forums and add info about how to join mailing list.
[09:15] <eliot> shepazu: and Bug Genie.
[09:15] <julee>
[09:15] <eliot> julee:All of this is step two in that link to the editors' guide.
[09:15] <eliot> shepazu: I'll just point to the editors' guide.
[09:15] <eliot> shepazu: we'll take this off list.
[09:16] <julee> Next AI: shepazu to send out timeline for W3C GSoC
[09:16] <eliot> shepazu: We discussed during analytics that it probalby wasn't the right thing--actually the community call--but I can send that info out.
[09:17] <eliot> ...if there's another project people want to get interested in.
[09:17] <eliot> julee: follow up in community meeting.
[09:17] <julee> DONE: Julee to talk to ryan about this (DONE: Only GNOME project might apply. Pursuing as part of community & recruiting agenda.)
[09:17] <julee> NEXT AI: Eliot & shepazu to talk re: presenting at W3C WGs.
[09:17] <eliot> julee: Talked ot Alex and not sure GNOME is a good fit either, will follow up in community.
[09:18] <eliot> shepazu: we did that and Eliot sent out an email, but I saw no follow up from julee or scottrowe. check your inboxes.
[09:19] <eliot> eliot: Need a response soon, as this starts Tuesday.
[09:19] <eliot> scottrowe: I thought I was waiting to hear if we needed a speaker.
[09:19] <eliot> ...Let's follow up offlist
[09:19] <julee> NEXT AI: shepazu to work with PPK/Verio/Alexis Deveria on
[09:20] <eliot> shepazu: This is ongoing and will report back if there's anything to report.
[09:20] <eliot> ...There may be something for mobile, too.
[09:21] <eliot> ....I didn't remember, but he had volunteered to give us info before we were ready.
[09:21] <eliot> ...Now, I'll get back to him.
[09:21] <julee>
[09:21] <julee>
[09:21] <eliot> ...I think the 4 big ones are caniuse, quicksmode, testthewebforward, mobilehtml5
[09:22] <eliot> ...and MDN
[09:22] <eliot> ...anyone know of others?
[09:22] <leaverou> s/quicksmode/quirksmode/
[09:22] <patrickdsouza>
[09:22] <eliot> :P
[09:22] <eliot> julee: html5please
[09:22] <patrickdsouza>
[09:23] <eliot> shepazu:html5tests or something like that?
[09:23] <julee>
[09:23] <eliot> ...but their methodology did not--ironically-seem test-based
[09:23] <eliot> ...I'll contact them anyway.
[09:24] <eliot> julee: Task force reports
[09:24] <eliot> ...Community
[09:24] <eliot> scottrowe: had a meeting last week
[09:25] <eliot> outreach: established a spreadsheet. Will list contact there, but we won't make that public.
[09:25] <eliot> ...We will invite people to contribute to that list.
[09:25] <eliot> ...We're considering doc sprints. Still working on that.
[09:26] <eliot> ...Established a regular meeting time. Tuesdays at 10am Pacific time.
[09:26] <eliot> ...If we have an agenda, we'll usethe time. Otherwise cancel instance.
[09:26] <eliot> julee: Analytics
[09:27] <eliot> patrickdsouza: Topic clusters. Setting up a human readable site map.
[09:27] <eliot> ....there's a bug in Bug Genie.
[09:27] <eliot> ...We'll track campaign and emails.
[09:27] <eliot> ...How successful a doc sprint is. Before any sprint, need toset up a campaign.
[09:28] <eliot> toset/to set
[09:28] <eliot> shepazu: Speaking of analytics, interesting that PAtrick could tell us optimal day and time to launch a blog post.
[09:28] <eliot> patrickdsouza: We should be able to do this for media campaigns as well, for maximum affect.
[09:29] <eliot> shepazu: we're like adults.
[09:29] <eliot> patrickdsouza: Our SEO: Setting it up. Next step is to optimize the content. We have this tracked in Bug Genie.
[09:29] <eliot> ...Will optimize in the next two weeks.
[09:30] <eliot> julee: Program Management
[09:30] <eliot> ...We had our first meeting. 11am Pacific time on Mondays.
[09:30] <eliot> ...Triaging bugs and gathering information about the state of the beta work.
[09:30] <eliot> ...This week we asked people to take ownership of the different project buckets.
[09:31] <eliot> ...Owners will define the deliverables and build a time, triaging issues, reporting back to the PM group on progress towards bets.
[09:31] <eliot> bets/beta.
[09:31] <eliot> ...We also talked about BugGenie and how to get reporting done ACROSS projects.
[09:32] <eliot> shepazu: Anyone in charge of an area should join that call so we can define what it means to be head of a task force.
[09:33] <eliot> julee: Hopefully, we can get away from meetings and get a dashboard look at status.
[09:33] <eliot> shepazu: just join the first meeting so we can coordinate.
[09:33] <julee> Review proposed URL/structure of DOM API docs.
[09:33] <julee> ^ ^  Next agenda item
[09:34] <julee>
[09:34] <eliot> scottrowe: If folks would review that, it'd be great. I added some more info.
[09:34] <eliot> ...Let's follow the same scheme as API docs, but without hte API listing pages that describe the common names.
[09:35] <eliot> ...Since the common name for all of these is DOM.
[09:35] <eliot> shepazu: How does this affect how we're going to deal with the JS docs from Microsoft.
[09:35] <eliot> scottrowe: I don't think it does.
[09:36] <eliot> ...You coulld make a case that everything's in the DOM, but that wouldn't help people delineate anything from DOM down.
[09:37] <eliot> ...We've done that in our top level buckets , and now we're isolating a subgroup of the DOM and calling that the DOM APIs.
[09:37] <eliot> ....They're the interfaces and objects you use when interfacing with the object model. I can make it clearer in the proposal, but I thought that was an established methodology.
[09:38] <eliot> julee:  this came up earlier, and I hashed it out with some architects. We couldn't come up with a sensible way of doing an alternate view. Scot's proposal is widely accepted.
[09:39] <eliot> ...We still need to have some kind of instruction--even visual representation--of the DOm, interfaces, JS, etc.
[09:39] <eliot> ...That might be an article, so then we could explain why we put things places.
[09:40] <eliot> shepazu:We haven't talked a lot about interlinking between articles and we should look at that a lot.
[09:40] <eliot> ...We should cross-reference related things. MediaWiki doesn't make it as easy as a dedicated documentation CMS, but....
[09:40] <eliot> scottrowe: We'd talked about topic clusters as doing this.
[09:41] <eliot> julee: There's an issue filed. Let's use that to discuss this.
[09:42] <eliot> shepazu: We'll talk over the phone and then summarize in the bug.
[09:42] <eliot> shepazu: We should be diligent about corss-linking.
[09:42] <eliot> corss/cross
[09:43] <eliot> julee: Look at my comments. There's a way in a passive agressive way to make them enter links.
[09:44] <julee>
[09:44] <eliot> julee: I was breaking down topic clusters into 3 types of clusters. I am talking about the 2nd type in my comment.
[09:46] <eliot_> shepazu: need more time to review proposal
[09:47] <eliot_> julee: I'll file a bug against it that we need to explain how things relate...actually, I have one.
[09:47] <eliot_> julee: Session Bug
[09:47] <eliot_>'s MIA
[09:48] <eliot_> scottrowe: it's missing and perf is good
[09:48] <julee> When you tweet, don't forget to check conversation for follow-up!
[09:48] <eliot_> julee: Reminder: when you tweet something about webplatform, don't forget to go back and check in.
[09:49] <eliot_> ...keep an eye out for comments
[09:49] <julee> Anyone want to share any status on any project? Can we get completion dates?
[09:49] == eliot [836bae5d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[09:49] <eliot_> shepazu: Though we're tempting the gods, let's close the session bug
[09:50] <eliot_> ...the steps Ryan took were a credible solution.
[09:50] <eliot_> ...And it disappeared
[09:50] <eliot_> scottrowe: If it does retuen, it will be a different cause.
[09:50] <eliot_> julee: And actually, it was a token bug.
[09:50] <julee> ;-
[09:51] <eliot_> EVIL EVIL EVIL bug.
[09:51] <eliot_> julee: Anything on any other projects?
[09:51] <eliot_> leaverou: dablet work, codelet project in webplatform, but don't want to repeat work.
[09:52] <scottrowe_> Agenda: Table styles?
[09:52] <eliot_> julee: I think Mike Sierra has moved to something else at Adobe. Finished out a bunch of SVG work. HTML5 weekly mentioned the articles.
[09:53] <eliot_> ...I'd like to do a blog post asap on that content.
[09:53] <eliot_> leaverou: not much lately on table styles.
[09:53] <eliot_> some pages, there are tables without a class to target.
[09:53] <eliot_> ...if I style all tables inside the container, it'll have unforseen effects.
[09:54] <eliot_> ...Regarding the font, I am fine changing it. PErsonally, I think bitter looks better.
[09:54] <eliot_> shepazu: I agree with scott on this
[09:54] <eliot_> scottrowe: do we need to add a class to tables that don't have one?
[09:55] <eliot_> leaverou: if we could find an automated way to do that. Otherwise, too many tables.
[09:55] <eliot_> shepazu: not sure how that's feasable.
[09:55] <julee> q+ <-- that means adding to the queue, right? -- : Next week's meeting? Skip it? See if we have a quorum?
[09:55] <eliot_> scottrowe: A lot of tables were generated by authors and some use the pipe hack, so there are some issues with tables we generated.
[09:56] <eliot_> ...but those were working the same as other tables before.
[09:56] <eliot_> leaverou: I could addd some style..
[09:56] <eliot_> shepazu: but MW adds layout based on tables....let's take this off last.
[09:56] <eliot_> leaverou: The code I removed was general.
[09:57] <eliot_> shepazu: project for styling?
[09:58] <eliot_> scottrowe: "skin"
[09:58] <eliot_> julee: next week's meeting? Eliot's out.
[09:58] <eliot_> lea, too
[09:58] <eliot_> julee: anything blocking you from creating great content?
[09:59] <eliot_> CRICKETS
[09:59] <eliot_> meeting adjourned

Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 17:07:05 UTC