Web Platform Involvement Ideas

Hey All

I have a few ideas that i would like to bounce around with how to
improve/increase enthusiasm and participation with the Web Platform and the

I know dabblet is currently being integrated into Web Platform and I
thought that when this is released, that there could be another virtual doc
sprint held to promote the new feature and at the same time, add new or
enhance any existing docs. It could be seen as somewhat of a "launch"
event. With this in mind, also to look at having a possible Google+ hangout
with several dev rels to "*show off*" all of the new features, chat about
contributing, how to go about it and to get the doc sprint started. As i
have noticed that whenever there is a hangout / video / live stream of an
event, there is generally a lot more enthusiasm surrounding the event and
website as well as people are more keen to participate.

Lastly, I briefly chatted about this with some people in the IRC channel,
but maybe look at leveraging Google+ more by creating a community with the
existing Google+ page? I am still not certain if this is entirely needed as
this would somewhat mimic the Q&A feature already available on the website,
but would in the same breadth bring in a lot more "*foot traffic*" as there
are already numerous users who frequent Google+ on a regular basis and
could thus contribute / ask questions.

// Nic

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 08:24:54 UTC