Re: A first draft of the future Web Payments Interest group is available for comments

On 05/30/2014 12:44 PM, Joseph Potvin wrote:
> Manu,  An audience hierarchy as you suggest would be a terrible way 
> to go, and I think you haven't considered the implications.

I didn't mean to suggest that we rate them from 1 to 10, put the lawyers
at a 1, and don't pay any attention to them. Quite the contrary, all of
those parties I listed are important and should be taken into account
when figuring out messaging/terminology.

That said, the W3C's mandate is to create technology solutions for real
world problems. Terminology is important. When it comes to picking that
terminology, we should make sure not to pick terminology that might
confuse the group creating that technology, even if the lawyers have
picked some terminology that works well for them. :)

All Tobie and I are saying is: The terminology you're proposing is
confusing to us, and if it's confusing to us, it will probably be
confusing to the other technologists working on the problem. While
you've solved the problem for UNCITRAL, you've made the problem worse
for the technologists. Here are some of the terms we've identified as
being problematic:

* Digital wallet
* Electronic Token
* Tokenization
* Identity
* Verified / Validated
* Account

Here are the types of "electronic tokens" that pop into technologists'
heads when you mention the term: session ID, OAuth token, browser
cookie, hashed value, bearer token, credential, Bitcoin, JSON Web token,
2-factor authentication token, one-time password, ... I think you get
the point - the terminology is so generic it's not useful (to

We're just going to have to think through those issues, and I doubt
we'll figure out the correct terminology before the charter goes to the
AC for a vote.

To be clear - I'm not disagreeing with you. Terminology is important. :)

Your proposal for the particular usage of "electronic token" as defined
by UNCITRAL is problematic. That shouldn't stop us - let's note it and
move on to something we can get consensus on. :)

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Tuesday, 3 June 2014 15:56:52 UTC