Web Payments IG Scribes - a proposed list

Dear Web Payments IG:

We continue to rely on the same capable people to scribe our meetings, over and over. While this helps deliver a quality product, it is rather burdensome on the chosen few after some point.

In the past, Zakim had more information on who exactly was attending a telcon, and could choose a scribe.  That functionality is not working so well at this point, so we need an interim solution.

I propose that we begin to use the list at the end of this email as a resource to assign a primary and backup scribe for each telcon, starting with our meeting Monday, August 17.  The default selection will be the first two names on the list.  If those folks aren't present, we'll move down the list.  If service is performed, we'll move your name to the bottom of the list.

Inclusion in this list is open to any IG member.  I have culled the complete IG list to include mainly people (who seem to me) would be comfortable scribing.  If you would like to be added to the list, please let me know and I'll add you.  Then again, I reserve the right to add you anyway. ( I've included myself in the list primarily for the Thursday meeting.)

Best regards,

Patrick Adler
Erik Anderson
Matthew Collier
David Ezell
Evert Fekkes
Katie Haritos-Shea
Joerg Heuer
Adrian Hope-Bailie
David Jackson
Ian Jacobs
Doug Schepers
Nick Shearer
Manu Sporny
Claudia Swendseid
Magda Sypula
Nick Telford-Reed

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Received on Thursday, 13 August 2015 17:23:41 UTC