Re: [use cases] Use Cases FPWD ready for Call for Consensus

On 04/07/2015 12:34 PM, David Jackson wrote:
> I include a few comments below (just in case it is useful prior to 
> publishing the draft) …

Thanks for the comments David, responses below.

> 6.2.2 Still contains some comment marks -- FYI.

We leave comments like that in there to prompt feedback from external
reviewers. We want them to respond in the same manner that you did. :)

> Potential answers to the comments:  Loyalty card should be a 
> credential not a payment instrument.

With my editor hat off, agreed, but we still have a decent bit of
nuance/disagreement in this area. It'll become clearer as we get more
opinions like the above in, so thanks for that :)

> I believe the answer to the second comment is that David "wants to be
> able to arrange" -- hence pre-chose preferred payment methods.  (just
> a guess) and would be part of the wallet or the payment method
> associated with the loyalty card -- hence be able to manually arrange
> ...

Yes, the question was raised "does this need to be /standardized/". The
answer to that question is probably no, but even if it was no, we'd
probably still keep the language in there. Not everything in the use
cases needs to be standardized, and this question has helped surface
that opinion from various members of the group.

> 6.4.3 asks about inclusion of different payment instrument for a 
> return.  Yes, we should include that as it is a case.  Future work?

Thanks, that's helpful to know. It looks like the second round of edits
to this document will include that use case.

> On 7.5 and 7.6 (marked as to-be-completed) -- is it required prior to
> first publish or future work?

We're including it in the FPWD so that people know we are thinking about
it and plan to write about it. The potential (minor) problem we run by
not including it in the FPWD is someone going "Can you believe it, they
didn't even include Electronic Cheque Payments, Credit Transfers, or
Direct Debit!"

Your comments didn't result in any changes to the FPWD spec, but will
result in changes post-FPWD.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Saturday, 11 April 2015 21:06:48 UTC