Re: What single thing should we deliver?

On 11/25/2014 08:44 AM, Stephane Boyera wrote:
> first on manu's point, it think it is fine to work on a specific 
> item, and I tend to agree that the push-based payment sounds like
> the less crowded area compared to e.g. token-based payments, so
> surely the easiest.

To be clear, I never said "work on a specific item". The "What single
thing should we deliver?" is posed as a thought exercise to tease out
everyone's priorities. What do we think organizations need and will get
behind implementing? What provides the biggest bang for our buck
considering that implementing all of this stuff will cost money and will
take time?

> However, I'm personnally more in favor for now to focus on the big 
> picture and use-cases at least for the enxt couple of months.

Agreed, but which part of the big picture and which use cases should we
prioritize and how? It all depends on our optics/point-of-view - and at
the moment, I don't think we have one as a group.

> Identifying where the gaps are (either various proprietary solutions
>  like in token-based payments) or absence of standards (like 
> push-based payment) would allow to laucnh parrallel work on
> parrallel pieces, instead of telling the world that web payment
> ig==push-based payment.

Agreed that we definitely shouldn't portray the group as being focused
on one thing. I also don't think the "big picture" shouldn't be so big
as to make it clear that the initiative is going to fail.

> I tend ot think that we would loose visibility and credibility if we 
> send the message globally that w3c web payment activity == 
> standardization of push-based payment for next 12 months.

Agreed. I think we'll also lose visibility/credibility if we don't give
people 2-3 things to really sink their teeth into. I think push-based
payments is one of those things... what are the other things?

> In all cases, I agree with you that prioritization based on short-win
> will have to happen, but again i tend ot think that this should come
> after we have a clear roadmap.

How do we get the clear roadmap if we don't know what our priorities are? :)

> Now back to Erik's point, I'm not sure I agree with you. There is a 
> big difference between interfacing web applications with push based 
> payment solutions and implementing payments. E.g. paypal model based 
> on e.g. http redirect is a model of push-based payment: this is all 
> web-based: you ahve api, data format, authentication, then receipt 
> sent to both parties. this is what we need to take care imho. How 
> behind their walls paypal is moving money from one account to
> another is imho not more part of the web and out of the scope of this
> group. or did i misundertand your point?

+1, exactly right, Stephane.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Saturday, 29 November 2014 01:26:19 UTC