Re: Please help on description-logic-xxx test cases.

The tests come from data used in a system comparison at DL'98 [1], but
were derived from modal logic tests devised by Heuerding and


  author =       {A. Heuerding and S. Schwendimann},
  title =        {A benchmark method for the propositional modal logics {K}, {KT}, and {S4}},
  institution =  {University of Bern, Switzerland},
  year =         1996,
  type =         {Technical report},
  number =       {IAM-96-015},
  month =        Oct


On November 27, Minsu Jang writes:
> Hi all,
> Any help would be appreciated.
> I'm struggling with entailment tests for OWL DL.
> I have added to my OWL inference rulebase a bunch of inference
> rules for owl:intersectionOf and owl:complementOf, and it made
> my Bossam engine successfully pass five description-logic-2xx tests,
> which are 201,202,204,205 and 207. :-)
> But I got two failures on 203 and 206. :-(
> What are the purposes of these tests? The descriptions on
> the tests just say something cryptic like k_branch, k_d4,
> k_dum, k_grz, k_lin, k_path, and k_ph. I cannot see any
> differences between the tests by reading premise documents.
> They just look very similar to each other.
> Can anybody shed some light on me, please?
> Best,
> Minsu
> --------------------------------------------------
> Minsu Jang
> Senior Member of Engineering Staff
> Business Knowledge Research Team
> Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
> Phone: +82-42-860-1250 Fax: +82-42-860-6790 

Received on Sunday, 30 November 2003 17:32:19 UTC