Re: Comments on Webizen proposal

On 5/12/2014 12:43 PM, Robin Berjon wrote:
> On 12/05/2014 18:32 , Ian Jacobs wrote:
>> Without more information about what purpose the card would serve I
>> can't really say much. However, in general I think a "card" may be
>> less useful than a digital badge, or a physical badge, or a sticker.
>> Those things also do more to promote the program than something
>> hidden in a wallet.
> Agreed. It feels like those "Certified Detective|Secret 
> Agent|Whatever" cards you could cut out and fill out yourself in kids 
> books.
>> I am concerned about opening up the W3C blog to a large number of
>> people due to the moderation cost.
> Also agreed.

Updated proposal in wiki.

> IMHO listing a lot of trinkets provided as "benefits" when most of 
> them are of very little value only serves to diminish the (perceived) 
> value of the overall package.

We have a basket of benefits, and an expectation that some will appeal 
to some, and others will appeal to others.

W3C veterans are not the only target for this program.

I don't mind having trinkets that are un-interesting to Robin, as long 
as they are interesting to someone.

If we have trinkets that we expect are interesting to no-one, please 
identify them so we can remove them.

> The heart of the project is about engagement and support. If I shell 
> out $100 I want voting rights and I want to support Web standards. I'd 
> be very happy with a t-shirt and two stickers so I can tell people how 
> cool I am to support a cool project (e.g. the "Let's Build a Goddamn 
> Tesla Museum" t-shirt is a great way to start up conversation about 
> why you would give money basically to a charity that supports 
> science), but please don't give me blogging rights (I already have 
> those in a million other places) or some low-value objects that'll 
> just end up as more landfill. It doesn't make the programme more 
> appealing, it's just yet more kipple, it's not eco-friendly, etc.

Received on Monday, 12 May 2014 21:05:48 UTC