Re: WebID CG and official foaf:Group profile?

On 12 September 2015 at 16:55, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <
> wrote:

> Howdy!
> Can I find somewhere online resource which describes WebID CG as an
> instance of foaf:Group?
> In other words LD version of
> I would see it practical as an entry point for crawling WebID profiles
> and harvesting statistics about current adoption + validating profiles
> out there in the wild against spec. Also it could show adoption of
> WebID-TLS if people include public keys in their profiles.
> Suggestion:

This page tends to be quite static, maybe changing a couple of times a year.

What some of us have started doing is to add our webid to our github
profiles, where there is a URL field.

This enables a degree of follow your nose for various teams working on
projects.  There are also a couple of services that will turn github
profiles into linked data.  I could do one to turn teams into a foaf group
if there was interest or need.

> Cheers

Received on Sunday, 13 September 2015 00:10:52 UTC