Re: W3C - Social Web Working Group

On 7/21/14 1:18 PM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> On 2014-07-21 18:39, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>> On 21 July 2014 18:29, Anders Rundgren < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     On 2014-07-21 18:23, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>         On 07/21/2014 12:20 PM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
>>             By pure accident I found this:
>>             Anders
>>         It's also being announced on the front page, 
>> <>, and in various
>>         media, today.
>>                 -- Sandro
>>     It doesn't appear that WebID is a part of this effort.
>>     This is somewhat strange because a Social Web without a login 
>> seems like a moderately clever idea.
>> You need to have a paradigm shift, that webid is nothing to do with 
>> login.
> Apparently not.  We are going to build the decentralized Social Web on 
> Facebook Connect then?
> This seems at odds with at least one of the Chair's missions:
> Anders
> puzzled, very puzzled 

I'll try.

An HTTP URI can denote an Agent without resolving to an RDF document 
crafted using statements comprised of terms for the FOAF vocabulary. 
This is what the likes of Facebook, LinkedIn, G+, and every other Social 
Media / Network has today.

When Melvin refers to a WebID he is referring to what I outlined above. 
He isn't referring to:

1. a WebID that resolves to a WebID-Profile document
2. a WebID that's verified using WebID-TLS.

Bearing in mind the above, WebID is about Web-scale Identity.

Identity is the product of:

1. identifiers that denote
2. identity claims that connote -- e.g., using RDF statements
3. Identity documents comprised of identity claims (connotation of 
what's denoted) -- e.g., documents comprised of RDF statements 
represented using a variety of notations (rather than a specific notation).

HttpRange-14 (whenever you encounter that) is a distracting permathread 
about the various struggles swirling around the fact that AWWW 
(Architecture of the Web) already caters for connotation and denotation 
via proper use HTTP URIs (which can Denote/Name things while also making 
their connotations available via Web Documents located at Addresses).


Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Monday, 21 July 2014 17:46:36 UTC