editorial improvements for cert:key

On 31 Mar 2013, at 16:40, Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/cert#key
> "key - relates an agent to a key - most often the public key."
> Yet it has Range: cert:PublicKey

The text is not well written out. Thanks for pointing it out.

:key a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, owl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
    vs:term_status "unstable";
    rdfs:label "key"@en; 
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <cert#>;
    owl:inverseOf :identity;
    rdfs:comment """relates an agent to a key - most often the public key."""@en ;
    rdfs:domain foaf:Agent;
    rdfs:range :Key, :PublicKey .

It says it is the owl:inverse of :identity

:identity a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
    vs:term_status "archaic";
    rdfs:label "identity"@en;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy <cert#>;
    skos:editorialNote """
         It turns out that this relation is unintuitive to write out and to name.
         One should instead use cert:key
    rdfs:comment """
    the identity of the public key. This is the entity that knows the private key and 
    so can decrypt messages encrypted with the public key, or encrypt messages that can 
    be decrypted with the public key. 
    owl:inverseOf :key;
    rdfs:domain :PublicKey .

Since :key is the inverse of :identity we should move the text from :identity
to :key (adapting for the inverse relation) Also we should remove the :key 
rdfs:range :Key, which is unecessary. When a property has two ranges, its range 
is the intersection of both, which in this case is :PublicKey .

These are editorial improvements as they make no changes to the current ontology.


Social Web Architect

Received on Sunday, 31 March 2013 15:13:04 UTC