from March 2013 by thread

Mike Hearn on Bitcoin Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 31 March)

editorial improvements for cert:key Henry Story (Sunday, 31 March)

Summary of cert : key Domain discussion Melvin Carvalho (Saturday, 30 March)

TPAC 2013 11 - 15 NOV Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 29 March)

Important Change to HTTP semantics re. hashless URIs Kingsley Idehen (Sunday, 24 March)

Fwd: Interesting critique of OAuth by one of its creators Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 22 March)

WebID definitions and specs: conceptual vs functional Ted Thibodeau Jr (Friday, 22 March)

Domain of :key Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 22 March)

bug in cert.n3 Melvin Carvalho (Tuesday, 19 March)

WebID-ISSUE-77 (RSAPrivateKey in cert.n3): RSAPrivateKey missing from cert.n3 [WebID-authn-TLS-spec] WebID Community Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 19 March)

WebID-ISSUE-76 (DSA): Add DSA to the cert ontology [WebID-authn-TLS-spec] WebID Community Group Issue Tracker (Sunday, 17 March)

Cert Ontology Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 17 March)

Has HTTPS finally been cracked? Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 17 March)

Google Authentication at Scale Dominik Tomaszuk (Wednesday, 13 March)

Fwd: Issue 29784 in chromium: User Interface Improvement for Client Certificate Usage Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 10 March)

Fwd: gcaff - graphical key signing assistant Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 3 March)

Re: Formal WebID Teleconf Friday March 08 2013 15:00UTC Ted Thibodeau Jr (Friday, 1 March)

Last message date: Sunday, 31 March 2013 23:55:58 UTC