Re: Requesting Agent too General

So..what exactly is your question? Do we need to define what a Requesting
Agent is? Or, if we should mention HTTP(S) in the definition?


On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Henry Story <>wrote:

> In the WebID spec it says
> [[
> The Requesting Agent initiates a request to a Service listening on a
> specific port using a given protocol on a given Server.
> ]]
> That is too general. I suppose it means the protocol is the HTTP or https
> protocol protocol.
> But do we really need to define this concept?
> In the WebID Authentication spec ( )
> this type of agnosticism on the protocol is appropriate, because we are
> dealing
> with client authentication using the TLS stack, and there it does not
> matter
> what type of underlying protocol the client uses when connecting to a
> server. The
> WebID verification in any case is then done by the Relying Party.
> Henry
> Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 10 December 2012 14:37:39 UTC