Re: Moving Touch Events v1 to Recommendation

Hi, folks–

TimBL (the Director), while generally supportive of moving the Web 
Events spec forward and resolving the WebIDL dependency expeditiously, 
wasn't satisfied with the wording we proposed around conforming only to 
the WebIDL syntax; he wanted for us to make as strong a claim as 
possible, while not exaggerating the conformance we anticipate.

So, PLH and I asked Cameron McCormack, the editor of WebIDL, how he 
thinks we could most accurately and precisely characterized the Touch 
Events spec's conformance criterion for WebIDL, and he suggested some 
text which I've included in the Editor's Draft of the spec [1]. TimBL 
accepted this text.

We believe that this is both accurate and informative, and neither 
overstates nor understates the requirements for an implementation 
conforming to WebIDL in the context of Touch Events.

Assuming this WG is happy with this text, and if we have no objections 
from the WebApps WG (ArtB, can you handle that?), the next step would be 
to move the Web Events spec to Recommendation (possibly as soon as next 

Is this text acceptable to everyone?



Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 06:26:29 UTC