
Hi folks,

Just wanted to drop a note to this list (at Rick Byers' suggestion), about
pointer.js (http://goo.gl/7brWp). This JS library is intended to be a
prototype of a consolidated input event model based on points. The idea is
for this library to be a shim over a future spec, so that once we have said
spec that is widely implemented, all a web developer has to do is stop
using the library.

It's heavily inspired by MSPointerEvents, and happens to be quite similar
to this proposal (http://goo.gl/i32Q9), except this proposal seems to be a
bit more fleshed out. I wonder if we can rally around a spec to merge some
of these disparate efforts into one.

>From pointer.js side, I am happy to change syntax, etc once this starts

- Boris

Received on Monday, 18 June 2012 19:51:35 UTC