Re: Volunteers wanted for helping with tasks!

Thanks Karl!

I kinda knew that you'd have a good suggestion along these lines!

On 18 Nov 2011, at 16:31, Karl Dubost wrote:

> Chris,
> cc: sysreq
> Le 17 nov. 2011 à 12:56, Chris Mills a écrit :
>> 2.
>> We also want to migrate the fantastic HTML and CSS references over to our Wiki. This is not yet started. Please let me know if you want to manage this.
> I would recommend that the W3C System team add a line in the interwiki table so we can redirect properly the pages from to the new one. 
> So the process becomes for the person moving the content.
> 1. Move the content to the new wiki.
> 2. Add on the old page
>   #REDIRECT [[prefix:WebEdPageTitle]]
> prefix = what has been chosen for webed in interwiki table.
> Then in the future people clicking on the content related to HTML/CSS etc. will be redirected to the good place automagically. 
> -- 
> Karl Dubost -
> Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 20:42:24 UTC